If you actually follow my nonsense... you might have noticed that I have ultimately failed my goal I claimed exactly one year ago. ^^; You are correct, I am no closer to finalizing my comic plans.
Admittedly, I only slowed down because I began working full time... but then I never caught back up. That and other major things came up at various times during the year. But yeesh... I even failed my attempt at getting it together with NaNoWriMo. My comic is looking a little more distant these days.
I have many MANY plans for this year, however... I tend to optimistically over-book myself at Resolution/Goal time. Some things on my plate:
- More freelance work or (and?) steady employment
- Portfolio makeover for obtaining these
- My OWN place ~_~
- MOAR crafting... maybe for a small Etsy shop?
- HUGE, involved cosplay for Dragon*Con in September
- Still... workin' on that comic pipedream. *sigh*
- (I actually started a tumblr for my crafting. We'll see if I keep it up.)
Well anyway. Comic-wise, not much is going on at the moment. Sadly, I didn't finish my 10k-word draft for NaNoWriMo, but it did make me want to continue and do some serious character development.
While the cast on the fantasy end is pretty tacked down, I had to do a major overhaul to those of the modern setting, ie., Tavé and her friends. The characters have actually existed for a long time... a good 9-10 years, apparently. Have a look. I realize I haven't depicted these guys visually since then. XD Their names and looks have certainly evolved and changed from their creation in a 15-year-old brain. Remind me to get on that.
ANYWAY. She's certainly come a long way appearance-, personality-, and role-wise. I'm also really liking the style development I was experimenting with. Her facial features and expressions are much easier to reproduce and give a much more distinctive, stylized look.
More character stuff... eventually. I'm really not sure these days. I have so much I'm trying to tackle, I'll have to see where things like this fit in. Since I plan on doing some portfolio work, I might throw in some turnarounds and expressions studies for Tavé and crew. All things I've needed to do anyway, lol... but portfolio fodder never hurts. So... if you're still around and interested; things will be slow. But still coming. I promise. Mmmm.... don't hold me to this one. XD
PS: Check my new navigation bar up there. :)