One; [To myself mainly], this post is late. I was doing so well with my once a week.
Two; this blog is supposed to be about my artwork and/or webcomic. But the subject of this post is relevant.
Things will go very VERY slowly for a few months, because I am quite suddenly and unexpectedly employed full time. Oh yeah-- at a lil' old animation studio.

Currently working on an online-onair thingy for a show on PBS. I am very excited to be living my dream for a little while (the project I was hired for ends in March. awwww.), but this definitely means a tad less from me comic-wise until I've adjusted to a drastic change in habit and lifestyle. XD I went from being self-employed [or unemployed] to working crunch time with long, long hours. Don't get me wrong, I love what I'm doing... but the transition hasn't been easy.
I've been trying [and failing] to make a very interesting post concerning character design. I had a super-nerdy epiphany about my art style recently and am itching to share. But I've not even had time to sit and finish my rather verbose musings about it, lol. I'll get it together soon, heh.
Oop... another apology: this post is definitely art-less. ;__; You can enjoy some material from my studio, though. Check their Demo Reel for some awesome (and familiar) things they've done. :)
Until next time!

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