Uh. Novel Fail...?

NaNoWrimo Day 15-16: The Halfway Point.
Word count = WAAAAAAY behind. I should be past 25k. I'm nowhere near it. Naturally. But seriously, I'm like... chapters behind. It's not a good look.

I blame the editor in me. Well, so says my NaNo mentor. But I really am thinking too hard versus just writing. I need to get things down on paper [in type] and THEN worry about how it flows and what makes sense and where the foreshadowing is. But I am trying to do this as I go. Which is great in a quality-over-quantity situation... But this is not one of those, lol. The point is to get a first draft down and done during the 30 day event. Then one can do what they please with it.

That being said.
I'm not so sure I'll make my 50k during November, lol. When I haven't been stuck or moving extra slow, I've had to deal with bigger issues outside of internet land. Now that a few things have died down, I'll push forward with what I can, but realistically, I'm not sure it's possible to catch up to where I'm supposed to be and THEN keep up and cross the finish line in the remaining half of the month.

This DOESN'T mean:
That I'm giving up this novel. Not by a long shot. I'm too sucked into it to let it go unfinished. Lol, yes, sucked into my own novel. I'll own it; as I've been looking for the kick in the pants to get it going for years. Nothing's really stopped me, but NaNoWriMo was the perfect chance to sit down and push myself to get started. So even if I don't cross the finish line this event, I want to continue. Because novel will lead right to other yummy things. Like, y'know... maybe that webcomic I've been jabbering about.

We'll see how this goes, lol.


Doing it Wrong. =P

So. NaNoWriMo Day 1-2: word count = 0.
I am definitely doing it wrong, lol. Speaking with other writers, I should at least have 1,667-3,333 words by now. And that's at the minimum per day to hit exactly 50k words on time. That's a realistic and very achievable amount for me... I simply haven't put pen to paper yet. (Okay, fingers to keyboard.) But would you like to know why?

Don't EVER tell me "Make sure you have a blueprint for your novel!"

I mean, it is common practice— often a necessary step to writing a structured... ANYthing, really. Make an outline, use the snowflake method, bullet points, whatever. In this case, you do want some kind of guide so you're not rambling for 50k words. But I shouldn't have waited until now to hammer out some of the details I'm dealing with, for sure, haha. Figures I try to be as thorough as possible when it's most inappropriate. How thorough?
Just some ridiculous chart.

Well. I guess you can see this story is a cliffhanger. =P
This plot is actually an abridged and cobbled-together version of the first couple arcs of my comic. I'll probably blab plenty about it in posts to come. Done right, it makes a fun little stand-alone. And to note, you may know Tavé; but Kha'mu/Khadomu = "Mu." I chose to shorten her name for simplicity. Which actually is canon, as she was called this in childhood... but I didn't want to deal with having to explain what's with her unusual name situation for this shorter story.
Fun Character fact: Kha'mu/Mu claims that she has no proper name, simply her title of "Khaoton do Museyia." Only one other character in the story actually knows her real name.[/teaser]

So anyway. THIS is what I have been doing as opposed to hacking away at my 50k-word target. It's not necessarily a good strategy, and I don't recommend it. XD Well... more like get this crap out of the way before trying to take on a writing challenge, lol. Shame on me for not being on top of this stuff over the last... *scrolls down* nine months. x___x

Anyway... off to attempt putting words on paper. Oh, and all the other actually important things I should be doing.
