Warning: Literary Nerding ahead.
I solved my plot problem.
Arcs. Duh.
I'm not sure why I was trying to think in such a linear, 3-Act fashion, lol. Likely because when I was trying to write this, the novelist in me took over and that traditionally how stories are written.
But because this is a series of events that all lead up to a master plot... it should be broken down into arcs. The perfect solution. *facepalm* I feel silly for not recognizing this right off; but I am glad I've finally started thinking like a comic writer and not such a set-in-stone novelist. Plus I DID say this was going to be webcomic. Soooo.... really, wtf, Me? Get it together.
So. Story Arcs. This will be so much fun.
To tell the entire story (which will still be a pretty long ride, heh); I've broken it into 6 or 7 major "chapters," it looks like; with each being either a large arc itself, or consisting of several smaller arcs.
The challenge will be telling two stories at once; as there is an underlying plot being recounted by a main character as the main plot goes along. The mini-plot and main plot later begin to intertwine, until the reader discovers how the two are connected just as the characters do. Perhaps it's been done, but I personally think this makes for a deep and interesting story and can't wait to give this type of storytelling a try.
Now here is where I would attempt to ask for input; but I am quite aware that this blog only doesn't exactly have hordes of traffic, lol. I will present my musing anyway.
So... a really good story still, to some degree, follows dramatic structure:

Ironically, it would be easier if I were still going with a linear structure. But now my "linear" design has its own little peaks and valleys (like the model) in the form of arcs. So now I have to find graceful ways to insert the subplot in ways that it's [at least somewhat] parallel... but still in order... without losing readers. @__@

Like I said. This will be so much fun.
I hope you didn't mind the nerd in me coming out this rambly post... but boy am I excited.
Also... I DO have artwork to possibly post; but you have to wait for eet. Hehehehehe. Meanwhile, have another chibi character. This is Soleia. Yes, I know; she looks VERY familiar. *tease tease*
Stay Tuned!